
Works for Me Wednesday

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and I’ve been thinking about sharing my fruit tips anyway . . . so this is what works for me with fruit!wfmwbannerKRISTENSummer is here and with it an abundance of FRUIT. Here are a few tips I found work for me.

1) I buy mostly organic fruit (and veg), in bulk at Costco . . . but I share it with a friend. That way we can get through the fruit, and I can afford a wide variety. Today I got blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, and grapes, plus tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, mushrooms, and corn for around $25, and I have plenty to feed my family of three for the next couple weeks.

2) I wash and prep everything when I get home, including veg (except mushrooms), before I put them away in the fridge. I find I am more apt to use things that require little extra work once they are stowed away in the fridge. I submerge my fruit and produce in water (usually in a bowl in the sink), and swish it around while I also spray it with the sprayer. I empty the water from the bowl and repeat until it’s mostly clean water.

3) I store my fruit in pretty bowls or serving dishes, so I can just pull it out and set it on the table. Fruit that does not need to go in the fridge also gets put into a pretty bowl and placed on the table. If you put your fruit away freshly washed and still wet, I suggest using a more rounded bowl. Wide, flat-bottomed bowls let the fruit sit in water . . . which I think makes it soggy and rot more quickly. (Or at least be sure to drain out the water periodically.) Sometimes I just use my pretty colander, and then I just place a napkin or paper towel underneath until it stops dripping.

4) If your fruit is close to going south, and you don’t think you can make it through it all in time, throw it into the freezer. You can thaw and use later, or blend the frozen fruit into smoothies. Plus frozen grapes are fun to eat on a hot day!

I’d love to hear your tips for fruit . . . or anything else for that matter. You can find more Works for Me Wednesday posts at We are THAT Family.


  1. I’m going to be freezing more fresh fruit this year. We have been having a fresh fruit dessert alot now that it’s summer & it is MUCH better for all our diets!

  2. deb

    oh.. all these years of cooking and the only mushy fruit i was freezing was bananas. thanks for a simple but great tip ! seriously. My kids ( 5 ) have a magic bullet and make smoothies non stop especially after soccer so the fruit disappears fairly quickly but still..

  3. spaghettipie

    V – Thanks for stopping by. We eat a lot of fresh fruit for dessert also! It’s so sweet, it really does seem like a treat.

    D – I felt silly when I realized that I was buying bags of all different frozen fruits for smoothies, but throwing out my overripe fresh fruit! Plus, frozen grapes are fun to eat on a hot day. Freeze away!

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